Unforgiven is a 1992 Western film which tells the story of a retired gunslinger who takes on one more job for the money. It stars Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Richard Harris, Jaimz Woolvett, Saul Rubinek and Frances Fisher. more...
The movie was written by David Webb Peoples and directed by Eastwood.
It won Academy Awards for Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Gene Hackman), Best Director, Best Film Editing and Best Picture. It was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Clint Eastwood), Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Best Cinematography, Best Sound and Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen.
It was dedicated to Eastwood's former directors and mentors, Don Siegel and Sergio Leone.
After a prostitute is brutally slashed in the face by two customers, her co-workers offer a $1000 reward to anyone who kills them. William Munny (Eastwood), a retired gunfighter and now, as a widowed parent, a pig farmer whose stock is dying of swine fever and whose prospects are bleak, recruits a former associate Ned Logan (Freeman) to hunt down the two men responsible for the attack on the prostitute.
On their way, they catch up to the Schofield Kid (Woolvett), who had told Munny about the reward and had boasted of his own trigger-happiness. After reaching town on a cold, rainy night, they enter a saloon for a drink and inquire about the reward. Munny remains at a table while Logan and the Kid go upstairs for some bedroom fun with the ladies. While waiting for his friends to return, Little Bill Daggett (Hackman), the local sheriff, discovers Munny is wearing a gun. A town ordinance prohibits guns — Upon their arrival one stormy night, Munny failed to (or chose not to) see the sign stating such. Little Bill beats up Munny and Munny manages to drag himself out of the saloon. Logan and the Kid manage to get Munny to high country above the town.
Once Munny has recovered sufficiently from his injuries, the three men ambush and kill one of the two cowboys in a canyon. It is at that point that Logan realizes he can no longer stomach murder, and decides to head home. Munny and the Kid find and kill the other cowboy in a latrine outside the isolated cabin where he had been holed up, guarded by several associates.
Meanwhile, Logan is captured and brought back to Little Bill, who beats all the information he can out of him, killing him in the process. Logan's corpse is put on display in an open coffin outside the saloon. The next day, one of the prostitutes brings the reward money to Munny and the Kid and tells him of the death of Logan. This angers Munny and he begins drinking again and goes into town to confront the sheriff. Munny walks into the saloon where Little Bill has assembled a posse. A gun battle ensues where Munny kills five men and seriously wounds Little Bill. While Munny is reloading his rifle, he hears Little Bill reach for his gun and kicks it out of his hand. Little Bill realizes what is to follow and says "See you in Hell, William Munny", to which Munny replies "Yeah" and kills Little Bill.
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